Care Leavers: Julie-Ann’s Journey

Julie-Ann’s experience in foster care is a powerful reminder that with the right support and guidance, care leavers can succeed and thrive. Her journey, filled with love and new experiences, demonstrates how fostering can offer not just stability, but a bright and successful future.

Before moving to her foster family, Julie-Ann faced challenges that made it difficult to see what her future might hold. “I don’t think I would have done as well in school without their support” she shared. Whilst she always had the potential, it was the encouragement of her foster carers that gave her the focus and confidence she needed. “Having someone who cared about my education helped a lot” Julie-Ann explained.

Julie-Ann was able to have the kind of family experiences she hadn’t had before. “Before I moved in with my foster family, I’d never been on holiday or had proper family days out,” Julie-Ann said. “With my foster carers, we have made so memories together.”

Over time, Julie-Ann formed a close bond with her foster mum, one that remains strong to this day. “She’s my best friend. We talk every day, and we even do the food shopping together. She’s been there for me through everything.” When Julie-Ann transitioned into independent living, her foster mum was there to help her. She made sure Julie-Ann had the skills and confidence to live independently. “She was there teaching me how to manage bills, helping me set up my new house, and making sure I was happy,” Julie-Ann shared. One special moment stood out to her: “I’d been admiring a blossom tree in a shop and as a housewarming gift, she surprised me with it. It was something small but made me appreciate that I have her in my life.”

Unfortunately, life doesn’t come without its challenges. When Julie-Ann started university, she realised this wasn’t the right choice. “I knew quite quick that this wasn’t working out for me” she said. But with the support of her foster mum, Julie-Ann was able to make a tough decision. “She supported me and just helped me figure out what I wanted to do next.” It was then that her foster mum mentioned an apprenticeship, opening a new opportunity.

Julie-Ann applied, and in May, she began her apprenticeship with Birmingham Children’s Trust. Since starting the apprenticeship, Julie-Ann has found her stride. “Before, I only knew about the care system from my own experiences, but working with the Trust has shown me a bigger picture and has really opened my mind. I feel more connected and happier being a part of it.”

Julie-Ann’s journey shows that with the right care and support, anything is possible for care leavers. Remember that your future is full of opportunities just like Julie-Ann discovered. With encouragement, guidance, and belief in yourself, you can achieve anything!

For those considering fostering, Julie-Ann’s story is a reminder of the incredible difference you can make in a young person’s life. Your role could be life changing, not just for the young people in your care, but for you too.

Call our dedicated recruitment team today on 0121 303 7575 or enquire online!

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